Mission Statement

Our mission is to mobilize the Church to transform lives and communities In the Name of Christ.


#1 We are Christian. Everything we think, say, and do is in the name of Christ.
 #2 Prayer is an integral part of who we are.
 #3 We follow Christ’s example of valuing the poor and needy.
 #4 We Value unity of the Body of Christ.
#5 We value transformation in the lives of people and communities.
#6 We value churches living out the two great commandments to love God and love their neighbors.
#7 We value building Christ-like relationships.
#8 We value the connectedness of the Love INC. movement.
#9 We model excellence.
#10 We value continually maturing in our capacity to meet people’s needs


Our mission is to serve as an extension of the church, to mobilize largely untapped church volunteers into a local service network. Love INC is a clearinghouse ministry enabling church volunteers, as part of their own congregations, to be put in touch with local people with needs. It provides no direct services and does not duplicate or compete with any existing helping agencies.

Believers of all ages and all denominations contact Love INC with a willingness to share with others their time, talents, and hearts full of brotherly love. Using the churches and agencies as links, once we receive a need and verify its legitimacy, we join the person in need with a body of believers capable and willing to meet that need.

Service to our neighbors is accomplished through Redemptive Compassion.

Redemptive Compassion states, “The giving of things can impact a life, but seldom transforms the individual. While things can change circumstances or situations, my personal experience has shown it takes a long-term relationship to truly see transformation in a person. If we want to substantially impact the lives of those we serve, isn’t it as important to give of ourselves as well as the things they ask for? According to the dictionary, a transforming relationship is ‘a connection or bond between two or more individuals that has the capacity to alter or change a person.’ God is relational and He instructs us to enter into a relationship with Him and our fellow man, but for what purpose? Why are relationships foundationally important in Christianity? Could it be that agape love, defined as a love that is wholly selfless and spiritual, can only be expressed through a relationship? Without a relationship is it possible to meet needs but leave the person untouched? Compassion is not just meeting a physical need, but being physically present in someone’s time of need. Showing compassion means we are willing to feel and share their pain. Could it be that we show pity when we only focus on the need and express compassion when we also focus on the person?”

Love INC’s founder, Dr. Virgil Gulker, was a social worker and outreach director in Holland, Michigan, in the late 1970s. Deeply committed to helping people who found themselves in need and lacking resources or a support network, he was certain God had called Christian churches to the same mission. We continue this model, focusing not just on meeting needs of the hurting, but on journeys toward self-sufficiency and community involvement.

If you, your church, school, or agency would like to be involved in helping the people of Angelina, please see our volunteer form or contact us for more information.


Love INC works as a clearinghouse, a place where those who need can find help and hope using a process developed by our founder, Dr. Virgil Gulker. As a social worker, Dr. Gulker realized that the Body of Christ needed a way to respond to needs in the community, and Love INC was born.

Dr. Gulker’s process is simple: The affiliate office receives a request for help, and it is investigated to review its legitimacy and urgency, as well as the extent of the need. The affiliate office then uses a master list of agencies and volunteers and finds the right place for the person to receive the right help.

The Love INC affiliate office then follows up on the person, building a relationship with him or her to put them on the pathway to self-sufficiency, to make sure the needs are not taken advantage of, and to protect the resources of the volunteers.

There are also seasons Love INC works with churches and agencies to design and develop community programs to meet widespread need or address issues.

Whether it’s five minutes or an entire evening, $5 or a larger donation, Love INC focuses on bringing together those in need with the resources to meet that need, big or small.

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